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When I started out with art, I didn't really think it was something I could do at all, let alone well. I had come to this conclusion when I was nine or ten years old, and had not had my mind changed. I have since learned most people have had similar experiences, and are similarly convinced that art is something they just can't do.
In my twenties, I encountered the concept of the Flow State, and that drawing better involved drawing in it. My first encounter was the book Drawing on the Left Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards. The book got me into the state of mind needed for drawing. I couldn't believe how quickly I got to "Maybe I can do this." It is something she has done for countless others.
Once I got on the path, I spent years doing what artists do, learning how to truly see. I joined an international art organization called Urban Sketchers, and now had plenty of things to try drawing or painting or illustrating. I've been doing it for almost a decade, and became one of the people running our Boston group.
In that capacity, I've encountered lots of people who came into the group interested but uncertain about there abilities. The ones who accepted my help getting started quickly found that footing, and started drawing in earnest. Not once has some one walked away doubtful they could draw acceptably.
But Why?
The reason to learn to draw is not to become a great ortist, though if you do, all the better.
The real reason to start drawing is to feel good, which I assure you it can do, and certainly does for me. Once you are over the hump of believing you can get good, you will be able to make rapid progress. I look forward to drawing, even when I make a mistake, and in fact, especially when I make a mistake.
Then What?
Once you are able to enter the drawing mindset, you will begin a journey of understanding how to see the world differently, the way an artist does.
This will be followed by an ongoing process of learning what amount to tricks, that artists all know.